Contact us
We welcome new members. Details on applying to join, and the subscription rates for those in the UK and overseas, are on the Membership page.
Contact details for queries
If you would like further information on any of these matters, please email the officers:
Membership —
Purchase of the Society's publications —
Please also refer to our Publications page, which gives details of the full text of James Woodforde's diary published by the Society in seventeen volumes, and other titles available from the Society.
The Parson Woodforde Society Journal —
Parson Woodforde the diarist — 
If you have any queries or comments about the life of the Revd James Woodforde, members of his family and the setting in which he wrote his diary please email the Journal editor Martin Brayne, who will do his best to provide answers. —
Current committee members (from September 2024)
James Woodforde's certificate from the Bishop of Norwich instituting him to the rectory of Weston Longueville, 12 April 1775 [Woodforde Family Collection]The Society is organised by a group of dedicated volunteers elected from the membership:
- Martin Brayne – President
- Margaret Bird – Chairman
- Vacant – Vice-Chairman
- Martin Brayne – Journal Editor
- Jill George – Newsletter Editor
- Diane McKay – Hon. Membership Secretary
- Stewart Waterston – Hon. Minutes Secretary
- David Atterbury Thomas – Hon. Treasurer (General )
- Peter McKay – Hon. Treasurer (Gift aid )
- Jenny Alderson
- Brian Richardson
- Alan Ovenden