We welcome applications from all those in the UK and overseas aged eighteen years and over. The annual subscription includes the Society's Journal and the Newsletter; both are issued three times a year. Access to the full text online of the Society's transcription of the Diary is available only to members. Each member can also bring a guest to the annual frolic, subject to the maximum number of participants permitted at the venue that year.
Renewing your membership of the Society
Please review the annual subscription renewal options.
Options for new membership of the Society
•  Standard membership includes the print versions of the Journal and the Newsletter sent by post three times a year in addition to full digital access to the resources of the website. The annual subscription is £22.00 for up to two named people at the same UK address. The subscription for Overseas members is £30.00.
•  Digital membership includes access to the Members' area, the full transcription of the Diary text online, the most recent issues of the Journal and the Newsletter, and all the activities of the Society. No printed materials will be posted. This option may appeal particularly to overseas members. The annual subscription is £12.00 worldwide via PayPal or credit/debit card.
•  Life membership is available to UK residents and includes full digital access and print copies of the Journal and Newsletter. The cost is £250.00.
Subscription payment methods
•  By cheque
Print and mail a completed application form to the membership secretary at the address given on the form together with your cheque made payable to The Parson Woodforde Society.
•  By electronic bank transfer (BACS)
Print and email a completed application form (scanned or photographed) to the membership secretary. Alternatively, a printed application form may be mailed to the membership secretary at the address given on the form.
 account name  The Parson Woodforde Society
       account number  50737097
       sort code  20-53-77
Please give subs followed by the first four letters of your last name as the reference. For example, subs-WOOD would be the reference were James Woodforde applying for membership. At the same time please confirm by email to the membership secretary that you have made the payment.
Payments from banks outside the United Kingdom may require a SWIFT code or an International Bank Account Number:
      SWIFTBIC  BUKBGB22       IBAN  GB62 BUKB 20537750737097
•  Via PayPal
Either with a PayPal account or by debit/credit card via the PayPal portal. Click or tap the PayPal button Purchase Membership below, and then select ONE membership option (Standard, Overseas, Digital or Life) from the drop-down menu. There is no need to return a membership form; PayPal will notify the Society of all relevant information.
Annual renewals by Standing Order
If you are paying your subscription by BACS, you are invited to set up an annual standing order with your bank. A Standing Order mandate preformatted with the Society's banking details is available for download. If paying via PayPal you might consider making the payment an annually recurring one.
Gift Aid
If you are a current UK taxpayer, please consider a Gift Aid declaration by printing and completing the form and sending it by email to the membership secretary. The Society's registered charity number is 1010807. It may also be mailed together with the application form (and cheque if chosen).